Email Deliverability Workshop

Estimated Time: 1 Day

Difficulty: Beginner

  • About this Course
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  • Google is cracking down on anyone that sends email for business, and will begin sending all of your emails to spam if you don’t have the proper authentication in place.

    Here’s what Google is requiring:

    1. Email Authentication with SPF, DKIM, & DMARC
    2. Easy Unsubscription (1 click)
    3. Reduce Spam Rate to .3% or less

    So if you send emails for your business, or set up email for clients, this is something you need to understand and make sure you implement…otherwise your emails will be sent to spam, or completely blocked by Google.

    And, Gmail/GSuite has an 84% market share, so this is extremely important!

    I’ve been getting a lot of questions about all of this, so I decided to put together Workshop training called:

    “Email Deliverability Workshop: Don’t Get Blocked by Google!”

    In this paid (yet affordable) workshop, I’ll be showing you EXACTLY how to follow the 3 new requirements so you don’t get blocked by Google, plus my other best practices to help you increase opens, clicks, & sales.

    Here’s the Full List of Everything We’ll Be Covering on the Training:

    ✅ What is SPF, DKIM, & DMARC, & How to Set It Up Correctly

    ✅ Where to Monitor This For Yourself & Clients to Ensure Success

    ✅ How to Create a 1-Click Unsubscribe Link (& how to PROFIT from it too!)

    ✅ The CORRECT Way to Reduce Unsubscribes

    ✅ Why People Mark You as Spam (even if they chose to be on your list)

    ✅ Why & How to “Warm Up” Your List (& the Software I Use to Automate It)

    ✅ How to Prevent People from Using Fake Emails When Subscribing

    ✅ How to Sell Everything Above to Clients for a Fee!

    Our courses at Divi Life sell for $997.

    But this isn’t a course, and I wanted it to be affordable for everyone, while still limiting it to those that are serious, so I can get all questions answered.

    You can attend the “Email Deliverability: Don’t Get Blocked by Google” Workshop for just $97.

    Yep, just $97.

    Click here to Unlock The “Email Deliverability: Don’t Get Blocked by Google” Workshop for just $97